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Old January 2nd, 2002
freaq freaq is offline
Join Date: January 2nd, 2002
Location: westcoast
Posts: 5
freaq is flying high
Thumbs down blunt critique and plea


i had limewire, v 1.7 i believe, until an overvigorous cleaning binge made it go away - my bad. oops. that'll teach me to make backups more often than once a year. it had been quite useful.

OS8.1, MRJ 2.2.5

i have been trying to get it up and running again, but have met with failure. previous posts concerning this have gone unsolved. also, i don't seem to be the only one in this boat...

i've tried every trick mentioned in the forums to let the various version installers (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.0, 2.0 beta, with and without VM) perform their function. the most i have been able to accomplish is getting the MRJ installed (which was already present, btw). to wit, i have
- booted w/o extensions
- increased memory for installer (up to 16000 k)
- renamed my boot drive to "Macintosh HD"
- and various combinations of these

i've also tried a few others - inspection of the files dumped into the trash suggested the installer was using secondary drives to hold temporary items, so i disconnected them. no change except the installer used my primary drive for temporary items, and still did not install.

it comes down to one question in two parts, and one request:
(a) why are there no longer any working installers for the macintosh platform, or, if they are working, no accurate instructions for their use?
(b) can someone direct me to a _working_ installer or provide me with a working copy of the program?

happy new year, etc.

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