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Old June 30th, 2006
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Originally Posted by barbarian2
... if I buy this CD, how can I store the contents on my computer in my shared files as mp3's? I use Nero to burn, but don't think this software can help me in this respect...?
Nero has the ability to extract as WAV files. I don't have a new version of Nero so I don't know it's full abilities. But there's plenty of free audio programs out there which will convert wav to mp3, etc. or extract from cd to mp3. I'd recommend extracting as wav first! Then converting that into mp3 or aac or ogg vorbis, or a compressed lossless format.

Deepend, the earlier versions of LW were better at restarting incomplete downloads than the newer versions. What I'd suggest is, if you find someone who has lots of files you're interested in, make a note of their ip address. Then at some later time you can attempt to direct connect to them. This is not always successful but can work. Of course it depends on whether they are online, & whether both you & them have free upload & downld slots & bandwidth, & both you & them are configured properly firewall-wise. Another way is searching the file topic again, browsing those with similar files. Of course, if you have search results handy, you can cancel the downld & re-select to downld from the search results. This sometimes restarts the downld.

As far as requeries go, LW tries to keep traffic to a minimum. Requeries (click on link). I believe that's one reason LW has reduced the ability of files to search for sources immediately after opening LW.
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