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Old July 4th, 2006
2pac aKa Makaveli's Avatar
2pac aKa Makaveli 2pac aKa Makaveli is offline
Join Date: July 3rd, 2006
Location: Piscataway, NJ
Posts: 6
2pac aKa Makaveli is flying high

I'm using Windows XP
I'm using Java 2 Rumtime
I have a Motorola SB4200 SurfBoard Cable Modem
A D-Link 802.11g Wireless Router
Wireless Connection, but technicly its Cable Modem
I connect from home
I do share a wireless connection with my brother's laptop, and my sister's desktop.
And No this isn't my first try with limewire, I've been using this for about a year now. I know why this happened it's a long stoy but I'll tell you. Just recently I had gotten an Xbox 360, and decided I wanted to hook up to Xbox Live, but It would be way too much work to run a Ethernet cable from my den all the way here in my room so I bought a wireless ethernet bridge. I tried hooking it up but still I had problems with it, so I called microsoft, and they told me to configure some things and do a power reset on my Wireless Router and Cable Modem. So I did, nothing worked, then they told me to call D-Link. D-Link didn't tell me much of anything except how a few things work so they told me to call microsoft back, I called microsoft still nothing, then they told me to call my ISP and and get a newIP adress. So I did, that didnt work, so I ended up calling microsoft backand saying still nothing. So then they told me I had to call D-Link and configure my Firewall with my router. But ever since then I couldn't because D-Link's been closed for the holiday weekend, So then me and my brother said we didn't want to wait and tooled with the firewall ourselfs, and I blame it on that stupid peice of **** from Microsoft told me to get a new IP adress from my ISP and ever since then my whole internet's been jacked up. It really ****** my off and I'd beat the crap out of whoever told me to do that I need help, but help from someone who knows wht they're doing not some stupid dude that dropped out of high school you what I'm saying?
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