I thought I would post this response I got from the Limewire tech support in regard to my challenge of them including spyware (Grokster and KaZaa) in their software. It appears that I was, in fact, incorrect in my assumption that these items were spyware...although I have switched to Frostwire, it would appear that Limewire is fine if you fine tune your security to ignore these items and you are comfortable with these additional programs on your pc..
Here is their response:
"Grokster" and "Kazaa" are the name of *programs;* please do the research.
LimeWire contains no adware or spyware of any kind. Many poorly-written
antispyware programs will incorrectly classify peer-to-peer filesharing
programs as containing spyware, when they do not. If you wish to use a
reliable program, your best bet would be to get Ad-Aware.
Also, please note that LimeWire is software that allows users to connect
directly to other users' computers, and share files with them. We have no
foreknowledge of, nor control over, what users decide to share over the
Gnutella network, we do not place any files on the network for users to
download, nor do we make any guarantee that you will find the files you are
searching for. If you download a file that contains spyware, you will get
spyware on your computer; LimeWire has no control over this.