connection quality with the 4.12.3 pro ? Hello, it seems that, since I updated to the new LimeWire Pro, some funny behaviours are taking place. I'm on mac OS X 10.4.6, and for some time my main PC being on repair, I'm using only my second one with only 400Mhz and ram 512 mo (but it also worked perfectly earlier). Anyway, it seems that Lime wire doesn't succeds very much or with any real stability to connect to the takes much longer than before, stays oftens for ages on "starting connection", or poor connection, raising some time to "fair" or "excellent connection", but not always to "turbo-charged connection", an even then, returning from time to time to excellent or good...
I verified many times my config. in the built in mac fire wall, but everything seems to be OK, except that, once or twice, on the LW pref, I did find a different number in pref/advanced/firewall config/listening port (why and how, dunno!). I think the default one is 6346, and, once or twice I did find an other one... of course, since my FW was not configured for that other one, I tried to change it and open a hole for that new number, but it had no effect whatsoever and the connection was just the same, so, I came back to the previous config, allowing 6346, in FW, and indicating that number for listening port in the LW prefs.
Some times, I tried to shut LW and to then start it again, and, OCCASIONALLY, it then arrived fast at turbo-charged, but only occasionally.
I must also note that I'm using JAP, but NOT for LimeWire to go trough, and also that I've got ClamXav as AV (because some of my friends to whom I send things, using windows, and also some gnutella windows operating uploaders, I do not wish to have all of them knocked out), I did experiment with both JAP and ClamXav bein off. No change anyway.
I'm also using LittleSnitch, and it's configured to let LimeWire go to any Net connection, any port... And, even so, I did experiment putting that one off for few minutes (for that one, I didn't want to do much longer without it !), and without any change.
To day, looking at the console, I did notice that there seems to be a strange message going on and on, every 1,5 sec, days on end, and I'm wondering if it had anything to do with LimeWire. Here it is : <Looking for devices matching vendor ID=1193 and product ID=8718>... there are pages from that !
I'd very much appreciate any suggestion concerning this problem... thanks |