UltraPeers work in a different sense than the classic Gnutella model. You only want 1 connection to an UltraPeer if you are a client. Eventually, the search horizon will be much greater, as TTLs will reach an exponentially larger number of hosts.
Are you looking to disable UltraPeer capabilities because you are being swamped with Gnutella traffic? There is an option to disable the UltraPeer capability in the options menu. However, you will still be a client that connects to larger UltraPeer networks.
I will be happy to answer any other questions you many have, so ask away...
P.S. UltraPeer does not lock out other clients. Other clients can still connect to other UltraPeer hosts. But this is a difficult time for Gnutella. The network is undergoing a restructuring, and the most frustrating times will occur during this time of transition. Hopefully, other clients will follow this new protocol. In the end, it will make gnutella better.
:-) |