not able to download last 2 weeks>redirections to websites. for the last 2 weeks since i blew my download limit with my ISP (went to 56k for 7 days...oh the pain) i then started downloading again, but now all these false downlaods appear, most likely to fail and 'open internet explorer to a third party site' are say TV shows that are popular, especially if it says more then 100 people/hosts show they have it.
problem is most shows are these false link!
these false links appear to be same as others, for example 24 series 5 episode 5,350 megs .avi, but you click to download and band, IE opens to another page.
only little trick to try to aviod is to start downloading one with small number of hosts, and rename all same name shows, rename them, if it appears as a html type link, its a web site link.
I have changed No settings since last week, is this a new thing? i have downloaded many a show to find it blank, black,porn(should of been kids shows, sick!) and just something else like a garbage tv show. but this new thing driving me nuts!
tack |