Hi guys,
I have been checking out all your really helpful info on this forum, for a awhile and it has solved pretty much all my Limewire queries - thanks! However, I've still got one little issue I cant work out the answer to:
I am struggling to find files I've just downloaded as they get mixed up in the files I already have and I have many! Its a bit of a pain as I go todrag and drop them to itunes and I cant find them in amongst all the others! COz of this, I tried deleting some files from Limewire that I had already dragged to itunes but when I did I could no longer play them from itunes either. This may be a very dumb question (I'm not all that technical but am trying!

but is there a way to make limewire more managemable by deleting files already moved across without losing them from itunes?
Any help very much appreciated.