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Old July 12th, 2006
The Elder The Elder is offline
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Join Date: August 26th, 2005
Location: midwest U.S.
Posts: 26
The Elder is flying high
Default Don't beat yourself up gghhjj

1. It's probably not your fault uploads are so slow. There are lots of stops between you and the person uploading from you. In fact they may have a very slow connection themselves and/or are performing multiple downloads from other hosts.
2. If you are seeing uploads of 8KB occasionally you are doing the best you can. In fact you should probably set your Bandwidth slider to 8 KB or less. You will need some of that bandwidth for your download communications.
3. Please attempt to read "GRANDPA's" posts in other threads concerning this. He does a great job of explaining the whys and wherefores.
4. I have an advertised upload bandwidth of 32KB (256 Kb). When I am not downloading or am away from my computer I normally set my upload slider to unlimited. Sometimes people upload at or near my max of 32KB. But, at other times there will be a poor soul at 1KB. No matter what I do to aid that person they remain at 1KB. So, as I'm trying to point out, some can and some can't.

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