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Old July 15th, 2006
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Originally Posted by ShyGuy37
I too am having problems with 4.12.3, ... my incomplete file list, half the files are red and not showing any uploads, hits or locations like the rest. I go to hit resume, and nothing changes....I have my days set to 99
I have mine set to 999 I think. Just check to make sure you haven't already downloaded those incomplete files in red. Sometimes LW will create a 2nd or even 3rd incomplete file for the same download file. I'm not altogether sure why it does this but guessing it's because it's from a different source or something very minor in the hash of the file. It might even be a slight difference in filename.

If you are unable to resume them, it suggests their partner in the download window is still there. Library Items in Red may explain the reason. ie: the incomplete files have lost their relationship with the download file listing.

Did you open LW at any time & get a warning that it was unable to load incomplete files? If yes, then resuming will push them back into the downld window. And with LW 4.12.3 they will start from where they were previously (in previous versions they would always start from 0%.)
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