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Old January 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Smile 2.02 Pro Questions

I paid my 6 bucks and I think that's pretty cheap actually. Everything works pretty well, and there are no ads.

Well, one problem - my settings don't "take". I check off "allow freeloaders rarely" and when I log in the next day, it is back to "always". How do I make it save my settings?

Also, before when I was using 1.6d, I set my options to allow lots of uploads, especially at Christmas time. My little gift to the world I guess....anyway, I must have had hundreds of uploads before I installed the Pro version, now it seems I only have 3-4 an hour, if that. Any idea why this is? I do notice that people getting files from me are getting lots faster download speeds than before when I had 1.6d.

Overall, I'm seeing a much larger selection of music than when I first started using LW after Napster died. This is really encouraging - and I notice people are downloading the things I had a hard time finding at first. I can't find anything much about this version I don't like, though I'm waiting to get the capability to browse other users' files - especially since a really fast connection is still not as likely to happen as it was on Napster :-)

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