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Old July 18th, 2006
maverick83617 maverick83617 is offline
Join Date: July 18th, 2006
Posts: 2
maverick83617 is flying high
Default stuck on setup dialog

when i get through the "setup dialog" to the last step, i click "finish" and my computer freezes. i tried to delete and reinstall same problem. i have the newest java, but i took it and limewire off, put them back on, and still nothing different. any ideas?

have used limewire a lot and installed on several machines, but this computer is older and not sure if that is part of the problem but read several posts about similar probs on new computers with the setup dialog but in different stages, most recently jackie tanner's post (7/17/06). this is a pentium 3 running about 750 mhz, windows 98se, plain old dialup, and intel 810 graphics chipset (not sure if that is an older version of a graphics card?). i installed limewire and java's newest, then removed both and reinstalled, then ran ccleaner, tried removing the folders that the middleearth poster recommended. still nothing (btw, i do like ccleaner, thanks )thanks for any help.
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