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Old January 6th, 2002
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Default Limewire 2.02 vs 1.8c

When I first dl'ed 2.0 I was aghast at the crappy searches. I went back to 1.8 but I found I really didnt give 2.0 a fair shake. Yes, you will get fewer hits under 2.0, but the hits you will get are better for actually *GETTING* the file you are after. 2.0 seems to have taken network traffic related to searches and pared it down a bit...allowing on to use more bandwidth for transferring said files.

For example, it was common for me to have around 35% success rate in dl's in 1.8..but I got mega hits on every search. The problems was I could only get 35% of what i saw. Now with 2.0, i get maybe 40 % of the search results I used to after having the connection up for 10 minutes or so, but my download ration of successes has gone up into the maybe 3 out 4 succeed category, and those that do succeed come to me with 33 to 40K rates. ( I have a 384/128K dsl connection.) This compared with 1.8c where most download were jerky.....bouncing around all over the place.

2.0 requires you to have a bit more patience and you will have to do more searches than 1.8, but when you grab it, it's yours 75% of the time. I'll take bandwidth for files over bandwidth for searches any day.

Oh......and thanks to Limewire for the GREAT OS X support!!!!! Considering the market share we are lucky to have a X version at all. Hope these comments have helped the state of mind re the versions.

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