Yes, this is certainly an internal software bug. I have also noticed the reverse effect
of the same bug. I have tried to download files in which I get a decent download speed
followed by zero. This continues to alternate until the file is uploaded, but in the end
I am really getting a 50% reduction in download speed or more.
On a side note, I have also noticed that I have been getting very poor connections
to the net. I use "ELTON JOHN" as a bench mark.
In previous versions of Limewire I would get over 1,000 hits.
I have been trying this benchmark now for 3 weeks.
I alternate between 100 and 500. Clearly something is not right.\
I hope the creators of this recent version know whats wrong and can correct it.
I wonder if the PC side is having this same problem.
As it now stands, Limewire is nearly useless. I can't wait for a Mac version
of Morpheus.