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Old July 24th, 2006
dixon79 dixon79 is offline
Join Date: July 18th, 2006
Location: Guangzhou,China
Posts: 5
dixon79 is flying high

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I am taking the personal accountability of the first article, and I did not meant that to play this "trollish game" here. In fact, I ( A new member to this forum) was aware of trying more and testing more before I published something on this forum.

Considering this, no matter the compliments, complains or insinuations from you, I will always take that as your sincerely comments.

Ok, but there still one thing I do not understand, some of my buddies had updated to 4.12.3, which really didn't work, also without any firewall or setting problems. after that, they got back to older version, and it works again. Does anyone knows why? So should I update to 4.12.3 again or is there any skillful setting for the lastest version?

Please feel free to speak out!!! and let's work for the solution together, not dig in the difficulties anymore. Thanks!
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