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Old July 24th, 2006
Join Date: July 24th, 2006
Posts: 2
AMFSOOK is flying high
Default Help Closing Limewire (not to do with uploads)

Ok guys ive tried everything under the sun to do this and its not working.

I have the brand new Limewire 4.12.3 Pro. The **** thing wont close.
If gone through all the setting so it will not open on startup etc. Ive made sure that it shutsdown on finish without remaining in the toolbar.
Ive uninstalled Java and reinstalled then i uninstalled Java and Limewire and reinstalled - i moved them to a new Hard Drive and it still happens.

If i start the computer with just Java and Limewire not installed i get a Java error cannot startup Limewire please reinstall. If I have Limewire + Java not installed then i get a message to reinstall Java so LimeWire can load. Now these messages are not just click and gone they reappear every 20 seconds.

So basically i have both programs reinstalled and running fine. But i close down LimeWire and it is automatically reconnecting itself. Now it stays offline when it reconnects but still uses RAM - my machience isnt as maxed as some and i play a lot of online games, and everytime i keep having my game window close because LimeWire keeps restarting or its been idle for 10 minute and i get a popup.

Can someone please tell me how to close this program so it only opens up when i click on the program to open.
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