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Old July 24th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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lol I can't find my own shared files either. That's normal. LW is designed so you can't find your own shared files in searches. Apparently "some" people can search & find their own files by doing a direct connect search to themselves. But it's never worked for me. And I also use a quicksilver g4. What counts is uploads & hits. Go to the LW Library window & click on the folder that has the shared files. Look to the far right columns. Look under Hits column. That represents how many people have found your files in their searches. Likewise the uploads column shows if anybody has uploaded them.

BTW I prefer to set up shared files independently of the download folder. I think that's wiser. But perhaps that's just me. I like to have more control over what's downlded & shared. Don't forget your Monitor window shows what files "are" being uploaded at that moment.
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