There must be hundreds and thousands of you who are unaware that your being spyed upon by nasty TROJAN programs placed upon your systems without your knowledge by hackers. They could be on your systems right now and you wouldn’t even know it. They could be looking thru your directories and files, reading your financial information, getting your credit card info, reading your emails and your documents or setting your system up to be a host for a major attack against a big corporation or worst. Did you know they could even be watching you while you are at your computer? Do you have a web cam? Just image this for a second. A hacker is in your system and your just casually going about your business and he turns on your web. Who do you think he will see? YOU!
Why am I writing this note? Well I just spent 3 days removing the SUBSEVEN Trojan otherwise known as BACKDOOR-g22 and my system is also infected with the PORNDIAL5 Trojan. I got my infected .ZIP file from the Gnutella network in just under a week of trying the service. I was stupid. I neglected to install a good Trojan scanner on my win2k machine and by opening this .zip file infected my entire system. I was lucky, I caught the infection before anyone could hack my system but some of you out there may not be so luck .You need to get yourselves a good Trojan scanner capable of detecting Trojans before some hacker gets you. While Mcafee is a virus scanner IT IS NOT a Trojan scanner and may or may not detect the presence of a Trojan on you computer. So don’t think your safe by using a Norton or Mcafee.
PORNDIAL5 -: This Trojan is a scary one in that if your using a modem to dial into the Gnutella network and you have this Trojan on you computer your in for a huge telephone bill and I mean huge. Mcafee will detect this one but its relatively new and nobody knows much about it. All they know is that it calls 900 numbers and racks up a huge phone bill. If you have a modem connection your in danger but if your using DSL/CABLE your relatively safe. I also have this one on my system and still have one instance of it to remove. I don’t download porn and I don’t visit porn sites and I have not found the zip file that this Trojan could have come from yet but I suspect I got it from somewhere on gnutella.
With that said I am concerned with the infections on the Gnutella network and feel that if all of us just take
A few precautions we can stop the spread of Trojans and hackers from getting into our systems. If you find an infected file KILL IT! Don’t offer if for download! I have included a few links below to few really good Trojan scanners. One is by an Australian company. Its call TDS-3 Diamond.
Diamond TDS:
The Cleaner:
Let me know if this information has helped you eradicate something you didn’t know existed on your system. I would sure like to hear from you.