Originally Posted by foolofthehill Go and read here: http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...&highlight=bsd
The messages of the dat file could imply a corruption of it. If the suggetsions in the other thread do not solve the problem, you might have to delete your incomplete folder. But then all incomplete files will be lost.  |
Thanks, but I found no information that could help my problem on the thread you linked me to.
I tried reinstalling Java, but the problem is still there. I uninstalled LimeWirePRO and instead tried installing the trial LimeWire, but I have the same problem.
I don't know what to make of this, because my computer only freezes up whenever I run LimeWire. The odd thing though, is that I have LimeWire on my other (older, less powerful) computers and it works perfectly.
Where can I find the downloads.dat file? How about the downloads.bak file? What directories can I search for possibly corrupted LimeWire files?