Hi! I don't know if anybody have encountered such problem......here it is.
I downloaded a game ([
edit]) in a zip file format. It was downloaded successfully for about 50 seconds on a 256 Kbp DSL connection. After disconnecting from the the internet, I unzipped/installed the game program. Nothing happened. I could not even locate the program folder. I shut down my computer. After a few hours I started up my system again. Limewire opened during start up. I closed the Limewire program because I'm not gonna use it. It started up again. It keeps starting up each time I close Limewire. I went to options and the "start Limewire during startup" is unchecked. Some bug or virus infected my Limewire and now I assumed I got it from the downloaded game program.
Please help me on what to do so my Limewire program won't start during start up.
Edited to comply with the House Rules.
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