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Old March 13th, 2001
konrad_h konrad_h is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: August 7th, 2000
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Posts: 122
konrad_h is flying high

Hmm, let me think about this for a minute...

ahh, now i got it!

a) look at your computer: if it is a mac, the software on it is most likely "mac"-software

b) there are plenty of menus as a true mac only has a sinle mouse button

c) it is just much more "stylish" than this "crappy windows ****"

d) you can do lots of creative stuff with it

e) you are really surprised each time it crashes because "macs donīt crash like this crappy windows ****"

f) you donīt have to have a clue how to use it and still get results


Naah, just kidding. If you want to know whether a connected host uses mac-software I can tell you this: there is no way to know except the other peer uses a mac-only-software (like mactella).
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