Thread: Junk Filter
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Old August 5th, 2006
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Default Junk Filter

Some people have been thinking the junk filter filters out material that shouldn't be filtered. Well, the junk filter won't filter out what you haven't trained it to do. In fact, if you've never used the Junk filter, then nothing will be filtered out at all. I have just confirmed this (with settings on Strict/maximum.) If there's something wrong with your junk filtering, then tell the filter that the particular file is not junk, keep doing that & it will stop filtering it out. ie: select the file & press the not junk button. Else, tell the filter to forget all training. This can be set in the Junk Filter options under Tools>Options>Filters>Junk.

I thought I should add this to the archive since some people have been getting confused. Thus be careful how you use the Junk filter.