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Old August 5th, 2006
Ed91 Ed91 is offline
Join Date: June 17th, 2006
Location: Oxford, England
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Originally Posted by WCraigCope
Another thought, I have seen that they are trying to implement a user rating system for files instead of just junk/not junk. I feel this would be of limited help (you would have to trust the avg. opinion), if they would add different buttons for different problems (incompleat/garbled, misnamed/fake, poor quality) instead of just someones opinion it would be very helpfull.
As far as I understand this post, a system like this could be abused by people who are anti-p2p and is open to abuse. Companies who are paid to disrupt p2p networks already own thousands of computers on the network and it wouldn't be hard for them to rate any good files as anything they liked and have every limewire client on the network judge them as such. The addition of multiple reasons why a file is "bad" would just make this problem worse, as they could vary the reasons used, making it even harder to tell a good file from a spoofed bad file
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