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Old August 7th, 2006
japanfan1981 japanfan1981 is offline
Join Date: August 5th, 2006
Posts: 9
japanfan1981 is flying high
Default Trouble with Nero

I dowloaded Nero because it was recommended to me for burning limewire movies onto DVR disks. As I was dowloading it the computer froze and never completely finished. So I tried to delete it in order to start all over but I was only to able to delete parts of it. Not all of it. Now I have Nero on my yahoo toolbar and cannot figure out if i am able to burn dvds or not.

Will someone familiar with deleting dowloads from the computer (uninstalling?) please help me? Or if someone is familiar with Nero and can direct me to the DVD burning section I would really appreciate it. I downloaded it from I haven't signed up but I think there's a trial membership. Thank you for your assistance.


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Last edited by foolofthehill; August 7th, 2006 at 01:17 PM.
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