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Old January 11th, 2002
THE Lord Of Darkness THE Lord Of Darkness is offline
Join Date: January 11th, 2002
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 3
THE Lord Of Darkness is flying high
Lightbulb Please Consider This Before Abusing Limewire Staff

I'm only 16 but I can grasp the concept of Limewire now.
Yes, they do call it a purchase - that I can agree with but 6 bucks isn't all that bad is it?
I ask you, how much did you pay for your version of windows? Does your version of windows do EVERYTHING it says on the box, i'd think not...
Don't get me wrong here - I'm not one of those young kids that bashes windows but doesn't know any different. In all honesty - I like windows because it does a good job, but the point still remains that it doesn't do EVERYTHING it says on the box.
I used to use computers in the dark days of DOS... Screwing around with ugly and volatile autoexec.bat and config.sys files - the best part of all of that is that it has given me tolerance for computers.
I'm a programmer of Visual Basic and I know how hard it is to keep motivated when you are programming for people who will constantly complain about bug and problems. I try my level best to compile the programs without a hitch but sometimes I cannot avoid it. I don't mind people submitting bug reports but I do mind when people complain about something I am giving them for nothing with no profit or pay to me.
Limewire developers, you did wrong too - you added a new feature without telling people exactly what it does so in a way I guess you were kind of asking for it. You want to stop all of these ugly posts in these forums? Release some up-to-date documentation for 2.0 and encourage people to read it.
A final note to those of you that are still p_ssed off with Limewire:
Please, please, PLEASE - give Limewire 2.0 a go without you constantly looking for network statistics. I know some of you forked out $6 from your own pocket for this product, and I can understand your frustration BUT, by paying up - you have shown a loyalty to Limewire - please excercise this loyalty by adapting to the new release, and give the Limewire chaps a go. The money you paid was not to allow the developers to go on an overseas holiday I'd surmise - I think it was more of a thing to pay them for their efforts and to keep them motivated. People are only posting about how hard done-by they are on these forums because they CARE about where Limewire is going. I just beg you to be NICE about it... Give it time, I promise that you will see some changes and improvments to the core program. Until then, please stop discouraging the developers because they are here as a service to you, and I certainly wouldn't be in a hurry to fix a problem caused by people not being told about new features who just abuse you about it, would you?

This was a community service announcement...
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