I think you are a little mixed up as birdy says 8000kb/s notice the small (kb/s) would equal 100KB/s notice the capitol (KB/s) LimeWire reports your DL speed in (KB/s) 6mbps would equal about 750KB/s I see you are DL a single file at 200 KB/s that is about as good as you can do on a single file unless you get lucky and get a couple of really good host (T1, T3) that have allot of available bandwidth. You can probably reach your maximum capability if you were DL 4 or 5 files at a time.
My connection was just increased by my ISP at no charge and so far I haven't been able to max it out. I now have a line capable of DL at 1800 KB/s but I haven't been able to achieve that yet. But I will keep trying.