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Old August 12th, 2006
fulgar fulgar is offline
Join Date: August 12th, 2006
Posts: 2
fulgar is flying high
Default legal action, and what they look for

In all honesty, should you share any copyrighted material that you don't have the rights to share they can bust you for it. Simply put, don't share copyrighted material, and keep your numbers low. I share about 50 songs, all of them are my own compositions, as well as a couple of short stories and poetry, so I have no fear. Plus I download stuff that I have on cassette tape or cd when I don't want to take the time to burn it to my computer. You just have to be careful and not be greedy. On a side note, record sales have not dropped since filesharing occurred...go figure?!? Anyway that's my two cents... BTWRight now there is a lawsuit against limewire(according to yahoo news.)

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