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Old August 13th, 2006
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Join Date: May 30th, 2004
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough


I changed from Virgin to Bulldog because of Virgin's unannounced policy of P2P traffic shaping, i.e. killing off P2P while allowing surfing and non-P2P downloads.

I found that I could no longer download films or film clips and that I could only occasionally get the odd MP3. So after about 4 months of this nonsense I changed to Bulldog.

Before Virgin’s policy change I would have said that Virgin, despite it’s higher than normal monthly subscription, was one of the best ISPs in the UK and I would have been more than happy to stay with them. But Virgin decided that it did not want anymore P2P traffic on it’s network while still charging premium prices, so I changed ISPs.

UK Bob
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