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Old August 16th, 2006
renegade fm renegade fm is offline
Join Date: August 8th, 2006
Posts: 18
renegade fm is flying high

Originally Posted by birdy
There's no request list or list of files being shared. It's only after people come online that their files appear in anyone's search.

Ok thanks for that mate.

So now that I'm armed with that information at least I can move onto my next question.

Why is it then that I now have uploaded loads of different songs all from different artists but I never ever see them in the normal search list even though I know a few of the people that uploaded from me are online cause Iv'e been chatting to them through Limewire itself?

It would greatly encourage me to share more songs as I have lots of rare stuff for die hard fans of that artist or whatever if I could see the ones I uploaded somewhere.

Do you see what I mean?
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