You know whats curious in the beginning the equal origin of Phex over Fury to limewire was even more Obvious ...
Now Limewire went back to Open Source (Welcome !) And they got a nice new Javadoc Online
I wonder if thats done right Javdoc can be run and Updated almost automaticaly right ?
In my continous efforts to understand this complex style of Programming required for a miracle like Phex that would be a nice thing to have on the web ...
Or should I be able to generate it myself ? How ?
Phex Fan since 4.5 or so
Please Fix the careles losing of Download Candidates or where to look for it ...
I do program Java a bit and I wish to implement a timer function some day that allows some Programable kind of thing like: If no download active and Friday nigt at 8pm connect (to x systems) and cache candidates (till n downloads exist or its sat morning) then diconnect or mantain m systems ....
Thats because our network admins here dont like losing bandwith for individual trding nuts

Understandable ...