Pedo discussion...let's cool down a little... OK...I''ve read all 30 odd posts about the "pedo" search on LW/FW, etc...all I can say is take it easy.
Pedophilia is difficult to understand, and abhorrent to most people in the world (jokes about Greek families nonwithstanding). But, as with all true "addictions", this is a case where the brain, etc., has taken over from concious choice. These people are truly not in control of their conciousness. And rather than vilifying them (because villification will only make them harder to find), we should be (a) neutralizing their efforts, by vigilantly pursuing those who try to promulgate their stuff on P2P networks, and (b) isolating them in controlled environments so we can begin to understand just what could make some people want to do this.
Also, this whole subject of underage sex is a very slippery topic (no pun intended). Sure, it's easy to single out the perv next door who's taking digital snaps of your 5-year-old daughter's privates in the bathroom, but what about the art photographer taking sensitive nudes? What about the traditional naked baby on the rug shots? And what about teenage sex? If I have a 17-year-old son having sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend, does/should that sex become illegal when he turns 18? (I don't think so, but I'm f*c*ing POSITIVE that some jerk is gonna reply to me, quoting god and megadeath that such acts are REPREHENSIBLE to the REAL god.) And what about the age of consent? In IL it's 18; in other states it's 16; in the Netherlands it's 14. Who's right?
I urge you to keep up the good fight to keep kid porn off P2P networks. And I also urge you to have compassion for the people who are controlled by their desires for such stuff. And don't give me that free-will BS...people who desire this stuff DON'T have a free will anymore. I'll take that to the bank. |