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Old August 23rd, 2006
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Originally Posted by Purple Otter
I do have a Brick wall infront of the globe on the Limewire interface but my firewall says that Limewire is allowed?
The firewall detected then is probably your high speed modem/router. You need to either set it to be enabled for UPnP or else, forward a port. See sections 2 & 3 here Connection problems? Check here first! (click on link)
Originally Posted by playa787
...same thing is happening to me, I use to be able to download just fine but now, I'm getting the same problem, I can download some songs, but most I can't even when there's a crazy amount of people who have it. I kinda noticed that these songs are pretty popular songs
Yes this only happens with copyright material & particularly reasonably new material. So if you search that type of material, then keep in the points made already. Such target files will be spammed by groups like (1) Overpeers, (2) MediaSentry,
(3) Mediadefender. So you need to find those that are not spammed fake files.
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