Hey there!
I think King User and cultiv8r got some interesting point I agrre with. Only some thought from my point of view:
When you want to encourage people to download a movie clip, you first need to entice them to download it. "Secretive" things work for one instance. Use filenames with "never released scenes", " 'stolen' outtakes", "bloopers they won't show you".
Sex,will "sell", especially in the age range you're looking at. Perhaps add a little "spice" to the filenames (and/or scenes). Like "movie star (almost) nude", "cut sex scene", "**** shown (blooper)". |
I think cutiv8r is right here. Just want to mention one thing. If none does know the movie they won't download 700MB from the web if the whole movie is found there. I think it is important to make the movie a name before it is shared on a P2P net.
Smaller trailers with "faked" names will be downloaded more often I guess, just because of their size. If you have to pay for your online time (many ppl in Europe do) it gets very expensive and you do not want to download something you don't know or like...
Probably it is also an idea to print somethink like "Now available in P2P networks (Gnutella, Napster,...)!" on the normal print media's adds. Together with your servents IP address? So people would know where to connect to and that they can download the file. So you get a coupling of print media adds and "adds" in a P2P network. If your target viewers are between 14-30 years old I guess this would work, at least they would know what you have been talking about

The you can also publish trailers with real names.
If ppl like it they will also download the movie once it it released I am shure.
Faked names will of course leed to downloading the file and you will reach many ppl with it... but will you probably discourage from watching the movie since they always got that %$%&& movie traiuler when they tried to download something else? Also a serious image is better preserved when you use "real" file names.
I can say that as a teenager, if I see a trailer or crappy video taped copy on Gnutella, and it looks good, I'll be more inclined to see it in a theater. I mean watching a movie on a 15 in. LCD isn't the greatest experience. |
I totaly agree. Though my 21'' monitor is great I 'd rather see a cool movie in the cinema ... Though one problem are upcoming "Home Movie Studios" with larger screens, dolby digital sound, etc at home... But in a ripped movie there is no dolby digital sound yet. So those "freek" might watch the film in cinema as well if you promise them "dolby digital sound experiance"