I would just like to add to FOTH's reply:
1) Most accelerators or speed-up programmes are cons, I asked this same question a couple of years ago when I first got LW Pro. I was told, in no uncertain terms, by forum members that LW cannot be speeded up any more and that those advertising that it can just want your money, just like scam sites want your money and payments details (if you are gullible enough to give it to them).
2) Limewire does not have any servers containing music, films, games or anything else, nor does LW pretend to have such things. You see, this is a common newbie/novice misconception that there are organisations on the internet, other than recognised official sites, that have films and music ready to download to you for a one off fee.
LW Basic and LW Pro are P2P applications that connects your computer to other P2P users and allow you to share their files, and that is all it does. Now, if P2P users are willing to share films, music and so on then that is down to them and their conscience.
As for those sites that say they have films, music and games, well they are scam sites and all they want is your money and payment details.
You should read these:
Scammer Website Owner Revealed Membership? - **WARNING ** BEWARE** - Download p2p Clients ONLY Thru Official Sites
(aka Known Scam Sites)
There are also numerous postings littered throughout the forum of newbies/novices being conned out of there money because they believed, like you do, that could get films and music for a one of fee from scam sites claiming to have everything but in reality had nothing.
UK Bob