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Old August 25th, 2006
moo moo buckeroo moo moo buckeroo is offline
Join Date: August 24th, 2006
Posts: 2
moo moo buckeroo is flying high

*My connection is always at turbo charged.
*LW 4.12.6
*java 1.5
*no firewall execept for the one in my modem which according to my ISP tech support i cant disable or forward too. I dont think this can be the problem though since it has always been that way.
*I have hughesnet (direcway) satelite ... speed test at was 1071Kbps down and 177 Kbps up
connecting from home
*I was networked with my laptop but when i started having trouble i disconected the router to eleminated it as the source of the problem
*I have been using limewire for almost a year and have had pro for about 3 months
*I am using UPnP now but have used port forwarding as well
I get a need more sources when i try to dowload a file from the link you provided
*I havent been able to find anything that changed one day very fast DL speeds and the next practicaly nothing.
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