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Old August 25th, 2006
z8isgooda z8isgooda is offline
Join Date: August 25th, 2006
Posts: 1
z8isgooda is flying high


Here is something you might want to look at on your system. For me I was experiencing the same system pause. Try de-activating your anti-virus once by doing the following in XP;

Start, Run, MSConfig, Services TAB, and uncheck anything related to your anti-virus program, select OK and reboot.

This will pervent your anti-virus program from loading on bootup. You then test to see if your system PAUSES for that two minutes. If so you now have identified the problem. Go back into MSConfig and re-check the box's you had un-checked and reboot.

Another place to look is the Windows Indexing system. To learn more about Windows Indexing go to your Help section from Start Button and type in Windows Indexing. I have turn mine off.
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