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Old August 25th, 2006
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davidorr davidorr is offline
Join Date: August 25th, 2006
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 5
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Default blank window on first run (after install)

I'm using an Intel iMac w/ 1GB RAM. I just installed Limewire 4.12. When the "Limewire Setup Dialog" window comes up (immediately after the splash screen), the window is entirely blank except for the word "Cancel" in the lower right-hand corner. I can click on Cancel and Limewire quits. There are no other options available from the menu (only the Limewire menu is showing).

I've installed, deleted, and re-installed and re-deleted twice, and deleted all Limewire preferences, but the same thing happens each time. I ran repair disk permissions all three times. I've verified the hard disk.

What else can I do? Have I missed something? Has anyone seen this problem before? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

David Orr
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