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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I just tried to find some songs from the musical "Anything Goes" on Limewire 2.02 for OS X. This was done after Limewire had been on most of the day. I got zero (0) hits. I then tried ".sit". I got sixteen (16) hits. Wow.

I booted up Virtual PC 5.0 and s l o w l y started Grokster (its not bad once you get there). I imediately did a search for "Anything Goes". Instantly I had over 100 hits. I've already downloaded (as I type this) six of the eight songs I selected with the other two (2) queued to download. Eight out of eight! Grokster has a very functional, easy to use, browser interface and is rumored to be working on a Mac version. If they release a Mac version comparable to their PC version, look out Limewire!

Come on Limewire, stop wasting time taking features off the client so that we can't see how few hosts we are connected to, and get the search functionality up to the level of these other apps. You have a good interface and HAD a very functional piece of software. What were you thinking?

BTW, this latest version won't quit unless you force quit.
Was that on purpose???
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