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Old August 31st, 2006
hlywood hlywood is offline
Join Date: August 30th, 2006
Posts: 2
hlywood is flying high
Default 'disk problem' - literally!!!

hi all, i've been using limewire for quite some time but recently i've been encountering the words 'disk problem' on SOME not all of my downloads..i've ask this before and got some good advice, but nothing has cleared the problem..'what all have i done', you might be asking, well here goes: i've scanned my hard drive for errors, defraged my system, deleted incomplete files, & emptied out my recycle been as instructed, but to no avail the words 'disk problem', not disk error but problem, appear on some of my songs. one person said i might not have enough room on my hard drive, so i also deleted programs, but i'm having a hard time going fully off of that being the cause because just yesterday, 15 songs were completed but 3 'IN THE MIDDLE' of the downloads were dp'd...not like 12 at the bottom all completed but then i ran out of room for the next 3 at the top..someone please help me resolve my issues...thanks a mil....hlywood
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