I'm affraid I was one of the jerks who paid $18.88 for limewire pro. But I learned my lesson. I thought I was paying for a better, faster limewire but all I got was scammed.
I tried to contact limewire support, but to no avail. I paid with my paypal tried to stop payment by going to the credit card and requesting a hold, they held it for 30 days but the payment ended up going through anyway. Then my program started acting wierd, I couldn't get any downloads, everytime I clicked on a song it connected me with the internet to a site advertizing paid downloads.

I finally got fed up. I uninstalled limewire pro, cut my losses and reinstalled the free version of limewire and I haven't had any problems since.
I'll never pay for limewire pro again seeing that the free version does exactly the same thing as pro.