Hello to all!
My first POST.
I was with that problem, my problem was that a PC was a server with 2 net plates, and other PC with 1, and an internet for modem to cable, I called them in CROSS-OVER and I usually configured and using ANALOG-X I shared the internet and everything went well, but to play and to use limewire and emule he/she was not giving right, and after 2 days the problem was solved, then them configuration was in the following way.:
In the PC server with 2 net plates one with internet and the other called in way CROSS-OVER in second PC.
-OBS.: Two PC's are with WINXP SP2.
In the configuration of net plate in the control panel and later in connections, in the configuration of the net plate with internet, I went in TCP and later in properties I left as pattern that is usually already: TO OBTAIN ADDRESS OF IP AUTOMATICALLY.
In the net plate that is in PC 1 or PC Server:
TO USE FOLLOWING ADDRESS OF IP: Place the address of IP of PC Server, place here. (10.0.0.x - 192.168.0.x) where X=number any. Example:
Use 1 for it is easier to know than PC SERVER will be 1.
In sub-net mask I placed as example, it can place other number not leaving this goal, but to work it really places as used in this example. The rest leaves in white.
In the net plate that is with PC Client or PC 2 will be like this:
TO USE FOLLOWING ADDRESS OF IP: Place the address of IP of PC Client, place here. (10.0.0.x - 192.168.0.x) where X=number any. Example:
Use 2 for it is easier to know than PC CLIENT will be 2.
In sub-net mask I placed as example, it can place other number not leaving this goal, but to work it really places as used in this example.
In GATEWAY default it places PC SERVER'S IP, in the case if it goes I proceeded for the example.
What remained ALTERNATIVE DNS, leave in white.
Now test entering in some internet page.
OBS.: In the configuration of connection of the "internet explorer" for instance in configuration of LAN uses the address PROXY for IP of the SERVER and it carries if the program be used ANALOG-X it uses the door 6588 and in the same page it places in the top option to DETECT CONFIGURATIONS AUTOMATICALLY.
In LIMEWIRE or EMULE you it will usually configure, but in preferences you in the option of PROXY leave how it is or then don't place PROXY, In LIMEWIRE also, don't place PROXY, leave without PROXY. Try to connect some of the programs and ready.
OBS.: In case it is in NET it doesn't disable PC SERVER'S firewall. Hackers love that.
To liberate the doors of the limewire or emulate for PC SERVER, go in the configurations of the plate of net of PC SERVER. Then it goes in ADVANCED, in option-firewall choice the plate of NET that shares internet with PC CLIENT, later click in ADVANCED, in the case of the example, there will be in the first option, 2 selection boxes with each net plate, mark the two, choose the one that he/she is sharing with PC CLIENT and click in CONFIGURATIONS, later add the door that LIMEWIRE uses for TCP and for UPD, make that with it also EMULE, add the doors that he uses. This in the shared plate.
OBS.: ANALOG-X forever active in PC server: In ANALOG-X put the IP of PC SERVER in exemple
Now the program brings an option of checking the safety, that is the button " Check if proxy i in Open Mode ". You should press this button in the program to see if it is everything ok. It will show up the screen below that means that is everything ok:
In case you are with your connection proxy " open ", or be with risk of safety, he/she will appear the following screen:
Basically what defines this status open to strange connections it is the field: Proxy Binding, that if it is DISABLE, it means that you are with a risk of safety.
If it is everything OK, in PC SERVER it will be like this:-->

After having made all this, test limewire or emule.
Thanx to all, I wait to have helped.