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Old September 12th, 2006
Law&Order Law&Order is offline
Join Date: August 10th, 2006
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Law&Order is flying high
Lightbulb Okay...Last Ditch Effort??

Alright, it's been 4 months since my Limewire has worked on the Mac; I'd just give up and use the PC, but tonight it actually froze (more like 'crashed'--the internet icon wouldn't light up for s***) my Roadrunner for about 15 mins while I was downloading, so I gave that up and am sticking to Morpheus on the PC.

Anyway, I have a question for anyone who knows Macs well (as many of you do, *smile*): What if I just backed up the entire Macintosh HD volume & then erased it? I have about 270k files, 60k+ folders, among them some valuable software--some of which I no longer have the install disks for; but I'm going crazy w/o Limewire, and after trying everything listed here on various threads related to OS X (running 10.3.9 on Powerbook G4), I'm willing to admit desperation.

So, If I can save my install pkgs for some of the disk-less software programs to install again, does anyone think this would solve my problem w/ Limewire?

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