First off, thanks to everyone for the advice and assistance. I really appreciate it.
LOTR, I actually have that patch installed already. It was part of a bulk download I did last year.
When downloading the video, I got the same slow speeds. It was about 1Kb per second.
For the speed test, my area wasn't available. I did it with the next closest area and got these results:
running 10s outbound test (upload) . . . . . 7.05Mb/s
running 10s inbound test (download) . . . . . . 6.27Mb/s
Your speed is 114.15 times faster than 56Kb dialup
Lastly, I read the last link. Ha, my friend actually goes to IWU. But anyway, you're right about the dorm situation. I didn't really know about sharing networks until I got here. I noticed that I was getting other people's playlists in my iTunes program. I'm guessing since so many people are on the network, it tends to stall and slow connection speed.
Anything you can tell me from this information?
Thanks! |