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Old September 16th, 2006
jroack jroack is offline
Join Date: March 31st, 2005
Location: San Antonio, TX, USA
Posts: 4
jroack is flying high

Originally Posted by teezer
hi, is there something that can be done about incomplete files or garbage files half of my searches anymore have these files?
Filter T-

Tools>Options>Filters>Keywords.....then add T-

If this overfilters, then try filtering: T-1 and T-2 and T-3 and so on.
I haven't filtered out incomplete files in my search parameters, but there sure are a lot of them floating around out there. Some folks actually rename the file to the original file name by deleting the T-abcdefhghi, so even by actively filtering all the T-'s out there, you'll still end up getting incomplete files. I suppose you could always confirm with Bitsi before you download, but I think the success rate for any given file in Bitsi is around 10% more or less. jro
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