I just need all kinds of help Hello everyone,
I have just preformed a clean install of windows xp. I an running an 2.5Ghz amd 64 processer with 2GB ram on an a8v delux mobo.
I have a cable modem thats 391 kps upload and 4.56 Mbps download. I do not have a brick wall and adn I have an excellent connection.
Now for the question. Everytime I search for something I usually find it but I cannot download it. It always says need more sources. but if I try to DL it again and use a different file name it works. Strange. also I cant get a DL going more than 30KB even if I have 8 hosts. I tried the magnet link and I can usually get between 110 and 100 KB. I also upgraded to 4.12 clean install but I was having a somewhat similar problem with 4.10 too. not as bad though. I have read the forums and just can't figure it out. Thanks for the help everyone. |