Thread: Viruses
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Old September 18th, 2006
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Disgruntled Customer Kebabhead

First of all, you should learn something about the P2P network before venting your spleen and that is when you download you are downloading from other PC users like your self. There is no central server, no central authority and no one that can or cannot tell PC users what files they should or should not share. Simply put, would you like someone coming into your home and telling you what you could or could not do with your computer?

So you see, the only regulation on this network is self-regulation and to gain enough experience so that you can recognise bad or dubious files when they are offered for downloading.

Secondly, I am, like you, a LW customer and have been such for over 2 years now. I have learned to protect my PC from various malcontents that produce malware (viruses, spyware, keyloggers, etc.) and can enjoy using the P2P network. But it will take a bit of time and a willingness to learn about the environment you have bought into simply because this network can be far more dangerous than just surfing the internet.

UK Bob

PS. If you want a governed server to download from then you should visit (or similar web-sites).
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