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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a


Every 30 Minutes or so an ultrapeer sends a message with IP-Adresses of a number of other ultrapeers via all incoming connections. The list of IP-Adresses, to be sent by an ultrapeer should include:
a) all ultrapeers it has outgoing connections to
b) those ultrapeers whose adresses it has received most often during let's say the last 5 hours.
In case a servant wants to connect to a new host it tries the top ranked ultrapeers from b). If the connection fails that specific host is removed from that ranking.

The n case a servant wants to connect to a new host it tries the top ranked ultrapeers from b). If the connection fails that specific host is removed from that ranking.[ part of that is m aking gnutella centralized. B/c some host stay on 24/7 for a LONG periods of time. Then all connections would relay on those hosts. What if one drops? The topology changes and everything has to build make up again. Also if that was effective, you could find out who the centralized hosts are. Encrypting documents would be useful. Documents as in some private message to your friend or pretty much anything private. Anything other than documnets such as audio and video in the sense of public entertainment isnt really an issue. B/c those are suppose to be viewed by everyone. Anyways in America, we're not as stupid as to make it illegal for someone to tell someone else to do something illegal. Its only a crime when someone has commited the illegal action. For example, if I told you to kill someone (just as some generalized comment-not paying you to do it), it would only be a crime if you actually had gone out and killed someone. The crime would be against you not me. B/c you're the one that took action.
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