i am having soo many troubles. for one i cant deleted the LW perfences but i deleted the whole folder but i cant delete LW pro i duno if that matters though. once i clicked sumthin and my computer went crazii like 19 internet explore windows came up soo i had to restart the computer. soo is there any way possible you can hack into my computer and fix it. this one guy i knew use to make my computer faster that way.
. Delete the LW Preferences folder called .limewire (whilst LW is closed!) & found here: Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire OR
Windows 98 / ME: Your .limewire folder is in "C:\My Documents" (BUT make a note of all your LW settings 1st, b/c after you delete the LW prefs folder you'll need to reset them.) See sample images below in next post. This process applies to users of 4.9.x or earlier or those who have updated to a later version than 4.9.x & are deleting their LW preferences for the 1st time since updating.
3. * New name & location for preferences folder for LW 4.10 or later: For LW 4.10 or later: Delete the LW Preferences folder called limewire (whilst LW is closed!) found here:
C:\Documents and Settings\*yourusername*\Application Data\limewire
i did number 2 i think but number 3 i cant find out how to do that.

sorry im soo slow with computers

i did the hidden thing though and change somthing to Windows NT too