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Old September 23rd, 2006
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Very Good Idea


You have suggested a very good idea and I hope that the LW programmers incorporate it into LW.

However, may I make an addition to your idea, and that is:

a) The text program that could be used, where LW can read the files name from, should be Notepad and whatever the MAC equivalent it.

b) If there is an error with reading a file name from Notepad LW should not crash but move on to the next file name or, if this is not possible, just continue uploading and downloading it's current workload.

c) If a file you are trying to download hits the dreaded "Awaiting Sources" then LW should discard that file and move on to the next one on the list.

I have some more ideas but this should be enough to start with.

Hope this helps.

UK Bob
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