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Old January 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry Corrupt Interface Display-Completely useless

Curious and irritating problem. Installation of the Mac version went fine. Upon booting application, the app. window does not show everything. Partial drawing of application interface appears. Sometimes more will show up. I have seen the entire window a couple of times, but generally only a small portion appears, or an entirely grayed out window shows. hard to do anything with that! If I happen to have a complete window, I enter a song title, then select "audio" from the drop down menu, and then click search. Once it worked, the very first time I used it, but after that it never worked again. I uninstalled, rebuilt desktop, reinstalled, increased allocated memory, but the problem seems to be a progressive one. I get decreasing display each time I quit and reboot the app or the computer. In short, this is completely useless on my computer (PowerBook G3 running OS 9.1.1). I downloaded the OSX version, and it would not install, giving a failure note that says it will not run on my computer.

I loved the promise of Limewire, but the software doesn't seem to work for me no matter what I do. If I click the window shade up and down to try to refresh the app display, it takes forever to cycle through the windowshade. It has to redraw the finder beneath first, then the icons on it, and then the app window will drop down. Very slow, like 1/10th speed redraws while Limewire is on...
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